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Given a mixture file name, returns the loaded data frame along with any detected errors or warnings.





Path of the mixture file


A list containing

  • df The loaded data frame, NULL if errors are present.

  • warning A list of strings describing the errors that ocurred but could be fixed or that do not prevent the execution of the program.

  • error A list of strings describing the errors that occurred that made it impossible to return a valid data frame. If this list is not empty, then the data frame item will be null.


If warnings are found, the function attempts to fix them and explains what it has done in the warning messages. If an error is found, checking stops and a NULL data frame is returned. The error is described in the error messages.


Elias Hernandis


mixfile <- system.file("extdata","mixture.txt",package="relMix")
result <- checkMixtureFile(mixfile);
#>    SampleName   Marker Allele1 Allele2 Allele3
#> 1     relMix1   CSF1PO      10    12.0      NA
#> 2     relMix1 D10S1248      14    16.0      NA
#> 3     relMix1  D13S317       8    12.0    13.0
#> 4     relMix1 D14S1434      10    13.0      NA
#> 5     relMix1  D16S539      10    11.0    13.0
#> 6     relMix1  D19S433      13    14.0    15.2
#> 7     relMix1  D1S1656      15    17.3      NA
#> 8     relMix1  D1S1677      13    14.0    15.0
#> 9     relMix1  D2S1338      17    19.0    20.0
#> 10    relMix1  D2S1776      11    12.0      NA
#> 11    relMix1   D2S441      10    11.0    14.0
#> 12    relMix1  D3S1358      15    16.0      NA
#> 13    relMix1  D4S2408       8    10.0    11.0
#> 14    relMix1  D5S2500      14    18.0      NA
#> 15    relMix1   D5S818       9    12.0      NA
#> 16    relMix1  D6S1043      11    18.0      NA
#> 17    relMix1   D6S474      14      NA      NA
#> 18    relMix1   D7S820      10    11.0      NA
#> 19    relMix1  D8S1179      13    14.0    15.0
#> 20    relMix1  D9S2157       7    11.0    12.0
#> 21    relMix1     TH01       6     8.0     9.3
#> 22    relMix1     TPOX       8    10.0    11.0